Policymakers are taking the lead from building industry practices, tools, and projects to begin implementing a variety of policies to reduce embodied carbon on government-funded and private sector projects. The CLF Regional Hubs are uniquely positioned to act as local knowledge leaders related to embodied carbon, providing technical guidance to climate policy organizations or agencies and identifying opportunities for new policies.
The Embodied Carbon Policy Educational Series is a resource designed to empower Carbon Leadership Forum Regional Hubs to play a role as local knowledge leaders related to embodied carbon policy opportunities and to inspire regional discussions on policy. The series was designed for the CLF Regional Hubs to use to host educational events around embodied carbon policy types. However, we expect that other audiences will also find this content helpful.
Goals of the educational series for CLF Regional Hubs
Goals of the series are to introduce core embodied carbon policy concepts and frameworks, explore case studies of existing policies, instigate conversations about the unique regional or local policy context for each Hub, such as:
- Identifying local/regional policy opportunities for addressing embodied carbon.
- Hearing from local/regional organizations and government agencies who are leading (or poised to lead) on developing and implementing embodied carbon policies.
- Allowing for targeted education opportunities for local/regional groups.
The overall goal is to prepare CLF members to act as local knowledge leaders on embodied carbon policy.
Session 1: Introduction to the Embodied Carbon Policy Landscape
- Why Embodied Carbon?
- Overview of Types of Policies
- Core Concepts
- Growing Policy Landscape
- Opportunities for Informing Policy Development (as a CLF Hub)
Session 2: Embodied Carbon & Climate Action Plans
City and regional climate action plans (CAPs) should include an assessment of embodied carbon, targets for reduction, and a timeline and strategies for meeting those targets. Including targets and strategies in climate action plans is a key foundation to developing further policies to reduce embodied carbon and maximizing opportunities for synergies with other climate strategies. Topics in this video include:
- Climate Action Plans (CAPs)
- Greenhouse Gas Inventories
- Integrating Embodied Carbon into CAPs
- Études de cas
- Development Process and Stakeholders
Session 3: Embodied Carbon & Procurement Policies
- Why Procurement
- Key Components
- Portée
- Divulgation
- Limits
- Des incitations
- Conformité
- Études de cas
- Development Process and Stakeholders
Session 4: Embodied Carbon & Building Codes
- Building Codes
- Materials: Code Pathways and Case Studies
- Buildings: Code Pathways
Session 5: Embodied Carbon & Zoning and City Incentive Programs
- City Zoning and Incentive Programs
- Integrating Embodied Carbon
- Études de cas
Session 6: Embodied Carbon & Reuse and Deconstruction
- Reuse & Embodied Carbon
- Policy Opportunities
- Études de cas
- Development Process and Stakeholders