
Meet the Movement to Decarbonize Construction

Stories from across the Carbon Leadership Forum network of individuals, companies and organizations changing the world through innovative materials, rigorous analysis, case studies, research and policy advocacy, interviews and events, and collective initiatives to target collective impact.

Presentazione di Steph Carlisle

Stephanie Carlisle is an architect and environmental researcher whose work investigates the interaction between the natural and built environment, including embodied carbon, life cycle assessment (LCA), urban ecology, landscape performance, environmental justice, and material supply chains.

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Presentazione di Meghan Lewis

Meghan Lewis is a Senior Researcher at the Carbon Leadership Forum, where she leads research on procurement of low carbon materials and how public and private embodied carbon policy can support the rapid decarbonization of building materials and construction.

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Presentazione di Steph Carlisle

Stephanie Carlisle is an architect and environmental researcher whose work investigates the interaction between the natural and built environment, including embodied carbon, life cycle assessment (LCA), urban ecology, landscape performance, environmental justice, and material supply chains.

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Presentazione di Meghan Lewis

Meghan Lewis is a Senior Researcher at the Carbon Leadership Forum, where she leads research on procurement of low carbon materials and how public and private embodied carbon policy can support the rapid decarbonization of building materials and construction.

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