Carbon Footprinting in Real Estate

Carbon Footprinting in Real Estate

GRESB is the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) benchmark for real estate portfolios and assets.  GRESB now includes embodied carbon disclosure.  This article provides an overview of carbon footprinting issues in the real estate sector.   Developing a...
UKGBC Guide on Scope 3 in Real Estate

UKGBC Guide on Scope 3 in Real Estate

The United Kingdom Green Building Council published this guide to improve knowledge and understanding of scope 3 emissions reporting for commercial real estate companies and the wider sector.  There is currently limited understanding about scope 3 in this sector, due...

Regulating Embodied Carbon

UK Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) Report (February 2021) ACAN is calling for the urgent introduction of legislation to regulate embodied carbon emissions generated by construction activities in the UK. Current policy and regulation focus solely on...

Climate Smart Buildings

ThinkWood Report: Embodied Carbon in Climate Smart Buildings (February 2021) What is it? Embodied carbon for building materials is a measure of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with one or more life cycle stages. Total embodied carbon is attributed to the...