Regional Hubs
Regional Hubs: The Heart of the Movement
Together with our network we enable research and action to reduce the embodied carbon in buildings and infrastructure. As part of this growing network, CLF has encouraged the development of our Regional Hubs and empower local leaders to use CLF research and resources to drive action in their communities. These volunteer-led Regional Hubs are working to bring people together towards reducing embodied carbon emissions in their communities through supporting the goals and mission of CLF at the local scale. CLF Regional Hubs are encouraged to set their own goals and priorities that align with the specific needs of each unique community.
Regional Hubs have a suggested structure of 2-3 volunteer Co-Leads that plan, organize, and run the Regional Hub. Regional Hub members are part of a vast network of professionals that attend meetings, share their expertise, and network with the other hub members.
What do Regional Hubs do?
CLF Regional Hubs are encouraged to set their own goals and priorities that align with the specific needs of each unique community.
Building industry professionals join CLF Regional Hubs to:
- Connect with others in their communities who are interested in reducing carbon emissions associated with building materials, design, and construction.
- Attend events to build connections with others focused on embodied carbon.
- Learn how to reduce embodied carbon in projects, using tools, data, and other resources.
- Engage in discussions to advance embodied carbon understanding and action.
- Share and utilize educational resources that aid in reducing embodied carbon.
- Inform public and organizational policies to reduce embodied carbon.
- Connect their firms, companies, and organizations to CLF’s embodied carbon mission.
Regional Hubs create event opportunities that emphasize learning and action on reducing embodied carbon:
- Curating EC presentations and Q&A for online webinars
- Organizing LCA/EC tool user groups such as monthly drop in sessions.
- Convening in-person or online socials
- Convening working groups to explore a specific topic.
- Collaborating with regional nonprofits to support LCA/EC content into larger events.
- Organizing, submitting and presenting at conferences.
- Conceiving of and facilitating charrettes exploring carbon reduction strategies.
- Publishing webinars on YouTube.
YouTube Channels
from CLF Regional Hubs
Find a Regional Hub near you
View CLF Regional Hubs in a full screen map
Carbon Leadership Hubs: Asia
- Bengaluru, India (LinkedIn)
- Hong Kong
Carbon Leadership Hubs: Africa
- Middle East and North Africa
- South Africa
Carbon Leadership Hubs: Australia
- Sydney, New South Wales
Carbon Leadership Hubs: Canada
- Calgary, Alberta (LinkedIn) (YouTube)
- Ottawa, Ontario (LinkedIn)
- Toronto, Ontario (LinkedIn) (YouTube)
- British Columbia (LinkedIn) (YouTube)
Carbon Leadership Hubs: Europe
- Austria
- United Kingdom
- Iceland
Carbon Leadership Hubs: United States
- Atlanta, GA
- Austin, TX
- Boston, MA (YouTube)
- Chicago, IL (LinkedIn) (Youtube)
- Dallas, TX
- Los Angeles, CA (YouTube)
- Minnesota
- Nashville, TN (LinkedIn) (YouTube)
- New York City, NY
- Nebraska (LinkedIn)
- Philadelphia, PA (LinkedIn)
- Phoenix, AZ
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Portland, OR (LinkedIn)
- Rocky Mountain (LinkedIn)
- San Francisco, CA (LinkedIn)
- Seattle, WA (YouTube)
- Washington, DC (LinkedIn) (YouTube)
- Wisconsin (LinkedIn)
- Yellowstone, WY
- Latin America. To learn more, visit and join the Hub! (LinkedIn)
- Brazil (LinkedIn)
CLF is not currently accepting new hub requests, however, if you are interested in learning more and receiving updates on this process, please fill out this form.
The Relationship between CLF and Regional Hubs
Regional Hubs are part of the CLF Network, which includes other initiatives such as our online community platform, the NGO/Governmental Roundtable, and corporate sponsorship.Formally, Regional Hubs are independent volunteer groups and are not legal components of the Carbon Leadership Forum.
Hubs are volunteer-led local groups that are people-focused and led, filled with learners and experts alike who are working to address the unique needs of their regions. We aim for all hubs to identify regionally-appropriate tactics to help execute our mission to eliminate embodied carbon of buildings, materials, and infrastructure to create a just and thriving future.
CLF has established rules of engagement that all members are expected to follow when engaging with or representing their local hub. CLF encourages distributed leadership and plays a relatively “hands-off” role in the day-to-day activities of hubs, so long as they follow the established guidelines. Any views or opinions of Hubs, their leaders, and members are theirs alone, and do not necessarily represent the views of the CLF.
For any questions, please reach out to CLF’s Communication and Engagement Lead Meghan Byrne.
Current Regional Hubs
Hear from CLF Hub Leaders in Philly, Phoenix, Minnesota, Capetown, Ottawa, and more!
Current Regional Hubs
Hear from CLF Hub Leaders in Philly, Phoenix, Minnesota, Capetown, Ottawa, and more!