Member Impact: Lloyd Rubidge – July 2024

Member Impact: Lloyd Rubidge – July 2024

What are you and your organization doing to help reduce embodied carbon emissions? Lloyd RubidgeDirector of Architecture, Henriquez Partners Architects Around 2010 I designed my first rated building in South Africa under the Green Star rating system. The project was...
Member Impact – March 2024

Member Impact – March 2024

What are you and your organization doing to help reduce embodied carbon emissions? Jaein Lee Architectural Designer, Elkus Manfredi Architects Growing up, my family went through a special ritual every Tuesday night: recycling. We had two huge cardboard boxes on the...
Member Impact – February 2024

Member Impact – February 2024

What are you and your organization doing to help reduce embodied carbon emissions? Mary Roggenbuck Building Performance Engineer, Mortenson Growing up on my family’s farm in western Minnesota, where we composted and lived off the land, I learned to live as a...
Member Impact – November 2023

Member Impact – November 2023

What are you and your organization doing to help reduce embodied carbon emissions? Aurora Jensen Embodied Carbon Lead, Brightworks Sustainability  My appreciation for nature developed early. From the rich and alien world of our oceans, to snowy mountain peaks – I was...
Member Impact – October 2023

Member Impact – October 2023

What is your personal motivation for addressing climate change, and what are you and your organization doing to help reduce embodied carbon emissions? Julia Wattick Materials Team Lead, BranchPattern My experience as an architect has shown me that the built...
Member Impact – September 2023

Member Impact – September 2023

What are you and your company doing to help reduce embodied carbon emissions? Kateřina Eklová Co-Founder of Rethink Architecture I studied architecture and construction management at the Czech Technical University in Prague and discovered the huge impact buildings...