da Amanda Brown | Aug 6, 2024 | Scritto da CLF, Pagina secondaria della libreria delle risorse
Research is critical to decarbonization Our mission is to eliminate embodied carbon in buildings, materials, and infrastructure to create a just and thriving future. CLF engages in a variety of research programs and projects designed to improve the quality and...
da Amanda Brown | Aug 6, 2023 | notizia
In order to slow a warming planet, nearly every industry will be forced to adapt: airlines, fashion, and even the unglamorous and often overlooked building materials sector. Just like the farm to table movement, consumers are increasingly thinking about where the raw...
da Amanda Brown | Aug 6, 2023 | Introduzione dello staff CLF, Caratteristica
Director of Collective Impact Andrew Himes is Director of Collective Impact at the Life Cycle Lab at the University of Washington, working on collective impact initiatives to reduce embodied carbon emissions in built environments, including building materials, design,...
da Amanda Brown | Aug 6, 2023 | Tutte le risorse, Scritto da CLF, Toolkit proprietario CLF, Pubblicazione CLF, Proprietario
Embodied carbon refers to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance, and disposal of building materials. When a building owner or tenant purchases materials to construct a space, these emissions...
da Amanda Brown | Aug 6, 2023 | Toolkit AIA-CLF per architetti, Tutte le risorse, Pubblicazione CLF
La misurazione del carbonio incorporato è la chiave per valutare le soluzioni più efficaci ed efficaci in termini di costi per ridurre il carbonio incorporato nel tuo progetto. Come si dice spesso, "Non puoi gestire ciò che non puoi misurare". La misurazione del carbonio incorporato richiede una metodologia chiamata vita...