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Estudios de caso de política de carbono incorporado de colaboración de la costa del Pacífico

This document highlights ten case studies of policies driving lower carbon construction across the Pacific Coast. Each case explores the development process, challenges faced, and lessons learned through the policy process. Information was gathered from interviews with PCC members who were involved in the policy, publicly available policy reports, as well as interviews from the implementing agency of the policy.

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The PCC Low Carbon Construction Task Force, launched at COP26 in November 2021, is a regional initiative between California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, and Vancouver to advance low-carbon materials and methods in building and construction projects. The Task Force aims to create a shared regional strategy with the goal of accelerating innovation, investment, and market development for low carbon materials by leveraging the scale of the Pacific Coast regional economy. The CLF began supporting the taskforce as a technical resource in 2022.

Estos estudios de caso muestran el liderazgo político de la región en la construcción con bajas emisiones de carbono y brindan información para informar a otras jurisdicciones que buscan legislación y otras políticas dentro de la región de la costa del Pacífico y más allá.


El equipo de investigación del Carbon Leadership Forum de la Facultad de Ambientes Construidos de la Universidad de Washington:

  • Megan Kalsman, Policy Researcher
  • Meghan Lewis, investigadora principal
  • Kate Simonen, Executive Director

Author contributions: M.K., M.L., and K.S. led conceptualization; M.K. conducted research and analysis; M.L. and K.S. performed review and editing; M.K and M.L. wrote the document.

Expresiones de gratitud

This research was funded by the ClimateWorks Foundation. Graphic design provided by Hannah Adams ( We would like to thank the following individuals for contributing their experience through interviews and providing content for policy development, challenges, and lessons learned in November and December 2022:

  • Daniel Hamilton, City of Oakland, City Administrator’s Office
  • Eden Brukman, San Francisco Environment Department
  • Hanna Waterstrat, Washington State Department of Commerce, State Efficiency and Environmental Performance Office
  • Jess Harris, Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections
  • Jordan Palmeri, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
  • Kika Mueller, British Columbia Office of Mass Timber Implementation
  • Kyle Diesner, City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
  • Patrick Enright, City of Vancouver, Planning, Urban Design & Sustainability
  • Scott Fong, State of California, Department of General Services
  • Shawn Wood, City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
  • Trilby Hoffman-McGaw, British Columbia Office of Mass Timber Implementation

The individuals from the Carbon Leadership Forum at the University of Washington College of Built Environments who performed review and editing on this report are:

  • Monica Huang, Researcher
  • Jordan Palmeri, Senior Researcher


Kalsman, M., Lewis, M., Simonen, K. (2023). Pacific Coast Collaborative: Embodied Carbon Policy Case Studies. Carbon Leadership Forum, University of Washington. Seattle, WA.

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