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July 26, 2023

Register as a Carbon Leadership Forum Sponsor – Part 2 of 2


This is only Part 2 of the Sponsor Registration Form. Make sure you first complete Part 1 (information about your organization) before you fill out Part 2 (information about yourself).

Return to complete Part 1 of this form.

In Part 1, you provided your company’s information.

CLF Sponsorship: Please provide your individual information

Individual contact info

Sponsor della leadership in carbonio

Since its inception in 2009, the Carbon Leadership Forum has welcomed partners to learn about our emerging research, provide practice-informed perspective, and participate in a group of embodied carbon leaders to reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure.

I nostri sponsor includono architetti, ingegneri, appaltatori, fornitori di materiali, proprietari di edifici, responsabili politici, organizzazioni non profit e organizzazioni governative, fornendo una visione a 360 gradi delle sfide che dobbiamo affrontare nell'ambiente costruito. Le loro intuizioni e risorse sono inestimabili per accelerare l'azione, nel nostro ambiente altamente collaborativo.