This is only Part 2 of the Sponsor Registration Form. Make sure you first complete Part 1 (information about your organization) before you fill out Part 2 (information about yourself).
Return to complete Part 1 of this form.
In Part 1, you provided your company’s information.
CLF Sponsorship: Please provide your individual information
Sponsor della leadership in carbonio
Since its inception in 2009, the Carbon Leadership Forum has welcomed partners to learn about our emerging research, provide practice-informed perspective, and participate in a group of embodied carbon leaders to reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure.
I nostri sponsor includono architetti, ingegneri, appaltatori, fornitori di materiali, proprietari di edifici, responsabili politici, organizzazioni non profit e organizzazioni governative, fornendo una visione a 360 gradi delle sfide che dobbiamo affrontare nell'ambiente costruito. Le loro intuizioni e risorse sono inestimabili per accelerare l'azione, nel nostro ambiente altamente collaborativo.