Stephanie Carlisle

Research Affiliate

Stephanie is a senior researcher at the Life Cycle Lab at the University of Washington. Her work investigates the interaction between the natural and constructed environment, including embodied carbon, life cycle assessment (LCA), urban ecology, landscape performance and supply chains and toxicity of building materials. Combining a background in environmental science and architectural design, she builds bridges between research and practice, bringing data-driven analysis and topical research to complex design problems. This experience is applied towards improving the EC3 tool as well as other carbon data initiatives at the Carbon Leadership Forum. She most recently was a Principal at KieranTimberlake Architetti dove è stata ricercatrice ambientale nel gruppo di ricerca interdisciplinare dell'azienda. È anche docente presso il Università della Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design e un co-redattore capo di Giornale degli scenari.


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