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April 25, 2023

CLF Undergraduate Internship

  • Get paid to learn about green building and carbono incorporado

  • Engage with CLF research aligned with CLF’s workstreams

  • Connect with building industry practitioners in the field

Benefits and opportunities

  • Interns will receive a stipend of $2,400 per quarter and will commit about 10 hours a week for work and meeting attendance.
  • Learn about research methods (e.g., scientific literature review, analysis, technical writing) with CLF staff.
  • Build resume experience with research and fellowship experience.
  • Develop professional connections in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry.
  • Build relationships with other students working to address the climate crisis.
  • Social events to network with other students and professionals.


  • Interns must be students at the University of Washington.
  • Priority given to freshman or sophomore at the University of Washington. (Juniors/seniors also considered.)
  • The internship will include approximately 10 hours a week of work and meetings during the fall, winter, and spring academic quarters.
  • Submit your application by June 16

Schedule and activities

This is a mostly remote undergraduate internship. Most collaboration will happen via Zoom. Typical meeting times are between 9-5. The structure of the program is divided over three quarters in the academic year.

Internships will include:

  • Aprender acerca Evaluación del ciclo de vida data and practices.
  • Join CLF project meetings, publication meetings, etc. to learn about ongoing work streams.
  • Participate in the online CLF Community forum to engage with other building industry professionals leading embodied carbon work across the world.
  • Participate in local CLF Seattle Hub meetings.
  • Other activities to enhance your learning and engagement

Support from the Bullitt Foundation makes this program possible.

Acerca del Carbon Leadership Forum

The Carbon Leadership Forum (CLF) is an organization within the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington that works on reducing the carbon emissions associated with building materials and construction processes (embodied carbon). The CLF is the go-to organization for building professionals and policymakers working to reduce embodied carbon. It partners with thousands of leaders from architecture, engineering and construction firms, NGOs, policy, and other key groups to improve data and methodology, inform effective and just embodied carbon policies, and support effective technologies and processes to enable material decarbonization.

Awareness and action on embodied carbon continues to grow, but learning about embodied carbon is a far-reaching challenge that requires awareness of global material supply chains, technical modeling, emerging policies, design practices, and more. Many of these topics are not commonly taught at universities or in practice.  This fellowship program aims to expose students to research and best practices relating to embodied carbon reductions.

This undergraduate internship aims to be a diverse learning experience for students early in their academic career and will provide an introduction to the topic of embodied carbon in buildings.

We highly encourage applications from BIPOC and other underrepresented freshmen and sophomores who are interested in exploring new topics related to sustainable buildings, but all UW students are welcome to apply.

Meet the 2022-2023 CLF Interns

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