WSP: Alto Rendimiento, Bajo Carbono

WSP: Alto Rendimiento, Bajo Carbono

Using Life Cycle Assessments to Expand Embodied Carbon Reduction Practices for Buildings and Infrastructure by Teresa Vangeli and Sarah Buffaloe As employees of WSP USA — one of the world’s leading engineering and professional services consultancies — and supporters...
Mithun: Encarnando el cambio

Mithun: Encarnando el cambio

Linking Research, Development, and Projects by Claire McConnell and Sean Cryan Mithun’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions in the built environment is a key tenet of our integrated design practice, informing project approach, firm culture and advocacy efforts....
Interface: Climate Take Back

Interface: Climate Take Back

A mission to create a climate fit for life and reverse global warming by Lisa Conway VP of Sustainability, Interface Americas In 1994, Interface’s founder Ray Anderson set our company’s first moonshot goal. Coming on the heels of his famous “spear in the chest moment”...
Walter P. Moore: un enfoque colaborativo

Walter P. Moore: un enfoque colaborativo

por Dirk KestnerPrincipal - Director de Diseño Sostenible en Walter P Moore Hace veinte años, cuando comencé mi carrera como ingeniero graduado en Walter P Moore, acababa de completar una investigación sobre las implicaciones del reciclaje de concreto triturado como agregado en nuevos...