Reshma Singh serves as Program Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s tech-to-market IMPEL program (, an early-stage incubator and accelerator for building-energy technologies. She manages the California Energy Commission’s R2M2 microgrid program, and previously the Presidential U.S.-India bilateral Center for Building Energy Research and Development ( at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Elle apporte plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans la promotion de la durabilité urbaine, l'innovation dans les bâtiments de technologies propres et la collaboration avec des écosystèmes internationaux complexes aux États-Unis, en Inde et à Singapour. Le travail de Reshma se situe à l'intersection de la conception et de la technologie des bâtiments et des villes intelligents, avec un accent sur l'énergie, l'analyse de données, les capteurs et les contrôles UX et IoT.
Reshma holds two cleantech patents. She is author of the “Building Innovation Guide for High-Performance Energy Efficient Buildings in India” (, and contributor to the book “Mutations: Harvard Project on the City”. She serves on the Telecommunications Industry Association’s (TIA) Smart Buildings and Power and Energy group, on the Advisory Council for the U.S. Department’s of State’s international TechWomen program, and is recipient of the American Association of University Women award and Harvard’s Community Service fellowship.