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July 26, 2023

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EPA Grant Announced for Life Cycle Lab at University of Washington

$10 Million Grant to Life Cycle Lab from the Environmental Protection Agency Will Help Businesses Produce Low-carbon...

Embodied Carbon Calculations Are Simple, Right? Not So Fast!

by Andrew Himes Director of Collective Impact, Carbon Leadership Forum Several years ago, the concept of embodied...

Member Impact: Lloyd Rubidge – July 2024

What are you and your organization doing to help reduce embodied carbon emissions? Lloyd RubidgeDirector of...

Whole-life Carbon, the Key to a Zero Emission Building

by Yang Shen Research engineer for the Life Cycle Lab at the University of Washington and a Research Affiliate for CLF...

Understanding Uncertainty in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Navigating the Unknown

by Anber RanaPost-doctoral Scholar, Life Cycle Lab, University of Washington In March 2024, I began investigating...