Advancing the LCA Ecosystem | September 2023

Advancing the LCA Ecosystem | September 2023

A Policy-Focused Roadmap for Reducing Embodied Carbon In this report, the CLF lays out a vision and steps towards an ideal LCA ecosystem optimized for use as a tool for policy and private sector decarbonization action (focusing on the United States and Canada). This...
2023 CLF North American Material Baselines Report

2023 CLF North American Material Baselines Report

Carbon Leadership Forum Material Baselines for North  America / August 2023 The CLF North American Material Baselines Report provides a snapshot of the state of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for North American-produced building materials. This report...
GHG Emissions Inventory from Construction of Washington State Dept. of Transportation Roadways

GHG Emissions Inventory from Construction of Washington State Dept. of Transportation Roadways

Washington State Department of Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Project / April 2023 A growing number of federal and state-level policies have started requiring embodied carbon reporting from roadway construction projects.  However, few have inventories and/or...
Études de cas sur la politique intégrée du carbone de la côte du Pacifique

Études de cas sur la politique intégrée du carbone de la côte du Pacifique

Ce document met en évidence dix études de cas de politiques favorisant la construction à faible émission de carbone sur la côte du Pacifique. Chaque cas explore le processus de développement, les défis rencontrés et les enseignements tirés du processus politique. Des informations ont été recueillies lors d'entretiens...