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August 27, 2024

Manage Membership as a CLF Sponsor

Thanks so much for being a sponsor of the Carbon Leadership Forum. We welcome your partnership, value our relationship, and are grateful for your support.

Please complete this form to help us track your sponsorship so we can follow up with invitations to CLF events and initiatives.

Payment for Sponsorship

Whether you pay online immediately with a credit card or later by check, you will receive an email invoice after completing this form.

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Patrocinadores de liderazgo de carbono

Since its inception in 2009, the Carbon Leadership Forum has welcomed partners to learn about our emerging research, provide practice-informed perspective, and participate in a group of embodied carbon leaders to reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure.

Nuestros patrocinadores incluyen arquitectos, ingenieros, contratistas, proveedores de materiales, propietarios de edificios, legisladores, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y organizaciones gubernamentales, que brindan una vista de 360 grados de los desafíos que enfrentamos en el entorno construido. Sus conocimientos y recursos son invaluables para acelerar la acción, en nuestro entorno altamente colaborativo.