Carbon Reflections is a monthly series of short essays by CLF staff members, introducing each month’s newsletter.

Embodied Carbon Calculations Are Simple, Right? Not So Fast!

by Andrew Himes Director of Collective Impact, Carbon Leadership Forum Several years ago, the concept of embodied carbon was new to me, and I had a simplified notion of how we might go about...

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Whole-life Carbon, the Key to a Zero Emission Building

by Yang Shen Research engineer for the Life Cycle Lab at the University of Washington and a Research Affiliate for CLF Recently, the White House released a document titled “National Definition of...

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Understanding Uncertainty in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Navigating the Unknown

by Anber RanaPost-doctoral Scholar, Life Cycle Lab, University of Washington In March 2024, I began investigating uncertainty in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as researcher on CLF’s POD|LCA...

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Carbon Reflections: Change is the One True Constant

by Chad Evans Operations Manager, Carbon Leadership Forum At the Carbon Leadership Forum, we are an almost entirely remote workplace. To foster collaboration and strengthen working relationships,...

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Carbon Reflections: Staying Busy, Staying Cool

by Brad Benke Researcher, Carbon Leadership Forum Last year marked the 50th anniversary of the publication of Limits to Growth which, at the time, presented some controversial findings about our...

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