Colorado Leads the Way!
di Meghan Lewis
Ricercatore senior, Carbon Leadership Forum
In questa sessione legislativa, gli Stati stanno facendo grandi passi avanti sull'azione incorporata sul carbonio. Le politiche di approvvigionamento relative al carbonio incorporato sono state introdotte in otto stati nel 2021, tra cui Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Minnesota, Connecticut, New York e New Jersey.
The first of these bills was signed into law this summer on July 6, as Buy Clean Colorado, introduced as House Bill 21-1303 in the Colorado General Assembly, became the second state procurement policy focused on embodied carbon to become state law. Buy Clean CO will phase in requirements environmental product declarations and global warming potential limits for asphalt, cement, concrete, glass, steel, and wood for state projects. The Office of the State Architect and Department of Transportation will lead implementation of the bill for buildings and transportation infrastructure respectively.