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June 13, 2023

C40 Clean Construction Webinar: Understanding Carbon Reduction Potential of City Policies

C40 Clean Construction and Carbon Leadership Forum are pleased to invite you to an open webinar featuring the cities of Austin, New York and Portland on:

Understanding the carbon-saving potential of city policies: spotlight on the Embodied Carbon Reduction Policy Calculator

15 June, Thursday
07:30-09:00 (PT) 10:30-12:00 (ET) 14:30-16:00 (GMT)
The session will be conducted in English, with live interpretation in Spanish. The webinar will be recorded and shared with the registrants later.

A growing number of cities are committed to tackling the urgent challenge of their built environment carbon footprint through their policies and programs. Yet embodied carbon remains a new policy area for many cities and the lack of city-level data is a significant barrier for policymakers to gain political support and make informed decisions. To address this challenge, C40 Cities partnered with the Carbon Leadership Forum at the University of Washington to develop a proof-of-concept and pilot study estimating the carbon savings potentials of city-wide embodied carbon policies.

With the cities of Austin, New York and Portland, we looked at 4 types of policies:
1) reducing the embodied carbon footprint of entire buildings,
2) limiting the embodied carbon footprint of concrete,
3) increasing adaptive reuse, and
4) evaluating the carbon impact of housing policy.

This session will present the methodology and outcomes of the study, whilst the cities of Austin, New York and Portland will discuss their lessons learnt and key take aways.

You can find the Embodied Carbon Policy Reduction Calculator report here.

Presentations by:

Cécile Faraud
Clean Construction Lead, C40 Cities

brad benke
Researcher, Carbon Leadership Forum

Panel discussion with:

Marc Coudert
Climate Resilience and Adaptation Manager Urban Planner, City of Austin

Sarah Talkington
Climate Resilience and Adaptation Engineer, City of Austin

Julia Casagrande
Deputy Director, Clean Energy, City of New York

Kyle Diesner
Climate Policy Analyst, City of Portland

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