In the immortal words of Wikipedia, the ancient Roman god Janus was “the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings.” Janus was usually depicted as having two faces, one looking toward the future and one to the past. It’s often said that the month of January was named after Janus, though in reality the first month of the year was named for the goddess Juno, not Janus. (In subsequent years, females weren’t always given the credit they deserved.)
As a metaphor, however, Janus proves useful. At CLF in January of 2021, we can reflect on our past decade of work to develop the analysis, methodology, data standards, benchmarks, and targets needed to calculate and reduce the embodied carbon footprint of materials and construction. And we can articulate a theory of change to drive our future work to successfully decarbonize the building sector. A theory of change is basically a methodology for planning, participation, and evaluation used at many companies. You begin by defining your long-term goals, and then you map backward to identify the work required to reach those goals.
This moment feels especially fraught: a seismic shift in the political landscape in Washington, DC; rapidly sharpening manifestations of the climate crisis; a new consciousness of the deep connections between social justice and environmental sustainability. In the case of CLF, our theory of change has come into sharp focus. It’s a tripod, metaphorically speaking. We develop and evangelize open-source tools,data and methods to calculate, assess and reduce embodied carbon emissions. We develop policy analysis, model policies, and other tools and resources for embodied carbon policy advocates. And we nurture broad collaboration among companies, organizations, and individual professionals from across the industry to achieve maximum collective impact.
We begin 2021 with a powerful sense of the possibilities before us, and an awareness of the urgency of the moment. CLF is not a small staff working hard to create change on our own. Instead, CLF is a movement of thousands of committed professionals who share a common vision: a thriving world that works for everyone; a building industry that is a source of the solution rather than a part of the problem. We’re delighted to share this moment with you!