giugno 2022

The Secret Sauce of Creative Collaboration

by Andrew Himes, Director of Collective Impact, Carbon Leadership Forum

This week I traveled to Oregon by train to attend the second anniversary celebration of the CLF Portland Regional Hub. Over 30 CLF members, many of whom had only ever met each other as little boxes on a Zoom screen, gathered in three dimensions to lift actual glasses of Merlot, munch on actual 3D hors d'oeuvres, and share insights and observations about building design, carbon-storing materials, EPD requirements, and policy innovations. 

Also this week, CLF's new Engagement & Communications lead, Meghan Byrne, who is leading a new effort to support the health and vitality of Hubs with resources, consulting, and training, attended the first in-person meeting of the CLF Philadelphia Hub. Meghan reports, "About 25 members gathered to discuss everything from embodied carbon policies to EC 101 learning opportunities and just about everything in-between. The Philly Hub had a great night of discussion, networking, and socializing, all brought together by the energy to further accelerate ideas, solutions, and policies! A CLF member who works at Interface said, 'Carbon is the science behind climate change, and addressing embodied carbon is the solution.'” 

My own privilege is to celebrate your accomplishments and thank you for inspiring others! I'm especially excited by a new initiative by Egyptian CLF members to create a CLF Cairo Regional Hub in preparation for the global COP 27 conference in Cairo this fall. I am looking forward to the July annual banquet of Chinese-American Construction Professionals focused on the radical reduction of embodied carbon and featuring a keynote by CLF. Also in July the CLF Los Angeles Hub will meet for the first time IRL while celebrating their second anniversary. There’s a lot happening!

Warm regards,


Impatto sui membri  

Alex Ianchenko
Research + Design Staff at The Miller Hull Partnership

Dorian A. Bailey
Chief of Science and Sustainable Construction, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey 

Kristin Tollovsen
Manager Sustainability and Social Purpose – Centurion Canada Infrastructure

Ramya Shivkumar
Director of Energy & Sustainability at Windward Engineers & Consultants

Find out what our members are doing to address embodied carbon
Per saperne di più

StopWaste: collaborazione nel governo locale


Creating new business and job opportunities while boosting efficient and low-carbon housing

by Miya Kitahara

StopWaste is a public agency with an unusual role in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a joint powers authority, collaboration is in our DNA. We bring together our member jurisdictions (including Alameda County and its 14 cities) to accomplish together what they might struggle to do alone. We were created in 1976 to address waste and over the decades have evolved our approach toward greater integration with other environmental and social issues so that we are more effective in our mission.

We were an early supporter of green building and its multi-benefit approach, which included C&D waste reduction. Over the decades, we have observed the practice evolve and have embraced embodied carbon – including as CLF sponsors since 2017 – because it both supports our member jurisdictions’ climate action efforts and aligns with our circular economy goals of material efficiency and reuse.

Read the full story
Megan Kalsman
Meghan Byrnes Byrne quote

Editor's Note: Megan is a recent addition to the Carbon Leadership Forum staff, bringing her government and research experience to the Policy team at CLF to assist stakeholders in developing embodied carbon legislation.

by Megan Kalsman

“We can’t save the planet without uplifting the voices of its people, especially those most often unheard,” stated Leah Thomas in her book The Intersectional Environmentalist. I strive to frame my environmental and policy analysis work with an intersectional lens each day. Working with businesses on toxic chemical reduction, I experienced first-hand how commercial enterprises often want to do the right thing but must balance economics with social and environmental imperatives. Governments are empowered to legislate change and establish standards; however, companies must implement and abide by them.

I have seen how public-private partnerships can improve outcomes by understanding needs, identifying resources, and creating a shared vision. For instance, working with the nail salon community, we heard directly from stakeholders, business owners, and workers. As a result, we worked together to advocate for less-toxic chemicals in products, supported small businesses with a microloan program, and passed policies to translate product information sheets into multiple languages. I believe that inclusivity, equity, and diversity are the keys to solving complex problems sustainably.

Read Megan's full story
MEP 2040 Challenge Campaign Update  

Announcing the new MEP 2040 website!

MEP logo

The Carbon Leadership Forum issued the Challenge in the fall of 2021. A group of leaders from MEP firms responded to the Challenge and collectively established a Commitment for you to join. Moving forward, this group of leaders will be responsible for convening signatories around a common goal.

MEP 2040 signatories are publicly pledging their firms to decarbonize MEP systems, and committing themselves and their firms to collective action, supported by transparent data, rigorous science, careful engineering, and thoughtful collaboration.

As of the second week of June, 43 MEP firms have now signed the Commitment, along with 24 additional organizations signalling their support, including architectural, construction, and structural engineering firms, and NGOs such as the AIA, Architecture 2030, and the Passive House Network. 88 people joined the second MEP 2040 Quarterly Forum on June 9 with their fellow MEP signatory firms and supporting organizations. 

View the recording of the June 9 Quarterly Forum on the new MEP 2040 website, including reports from the Working Groups:

  • Communications & Resources
  • Data, Analysis & Reporting
  • Partnerships
  • Manufacturers & EPDs
Visit the new MEP 2040 website

This month’s action checklist

Unisciti alla Community CLF online – focus groups, information, collaboration, research, resources, exploration, innovation.
Watch Andrew Himes' TEDx Talk: "Change Our Buildings, Save Our Planet" Buildings can be an existential solution to climate change -- not an existential threat.
MEP 2040 Challenge: A rapidly growing movement to decarbonize building systems. Sign the Commitment!

About the Carbon Leadership Forum at the University of Washington

Chi siamo

  • The Carbon Leadership Forum accelerates transformation of the building sector to radically reduce the embodied carbon in building materials and construction.
  • We pioneer research, create resources, foster cross-sector collaboration, and incubate member-led initiatives to bring embodied carbon emissions of buildings down to zero.
  • We are architects, engineers, contractors, material suppliers, building owners, and policymakers who care about the future and take bold steps to eliminate embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure.


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