Maggio 2020

The Power of Networks
By Kate Simonen, Director, Carbon Leadership Forum

Four years ago over dinner in San Francisco during a materials focused Buildwell event over a dozen people came together to strategize about how to grow embodied carbon awareness and action. Prompted by Vincent Martinez of Architecture 2030 and inspired by the book Connecting to Change the World: Harnessing the Power of Networks for Social Impact, we were looking to scale embodied carbon action beyond the materials/embodied carbon ‘geek squad’.

A year later the Carbon Leadership Forum convened the Embodied Carbon Network, now known as the Carbon Leadership Forum Network. This community has grown to include thousands of people – architects, engineers, contractors, material suppliers, building owners, policymakers, and associations – through its robust online Community platform, active Focus Groups, burgeoning Regional Hubs, and NGO Roundtable. It is thrilling to see the power of individuals coming together to enable collective action.

Do you have an interest in volunteering to help? We have a range of roles that could use your help and we welcome you. Please send an email to [email protected] if you’d like to be connected. And don’t miss that we’re hiring (see below) for dynamic leaders looking for new opportunities.

The Baller  
by Audrey Gray
Published in the Delacorte Review
Eward Mazria 
Founder and CEO, Architecture 2030

Can attitude help save the planet?

A frightened climate reporter meets an ex-basketball player with a serious game plan.

Teammates surrounded Mazria in Los Angeles…bumping elbows instead of shaking hands as they gathered at the Intercontinental Hotel during the early days of the US coronavirus outbreak, pre-quarantines. Three of his childhood friends, men who’d played Brookyn street ball with “Mazz” back when a twenty-three-foot jumper was still only two points, came out for his opening keynote. His two sisters were there. His daughter Demetra and her boyfriend showed up, as did one of Mazria’s most influential allies, Farhana Yamin, the UK environmental lawyer who’d represented small island nations in the years leading up to the Paris Climate Accord of 2016.

Apart from his inner circle, more than 400 architects, urban planners, contractors, and building material manufacturers had gathered at CarbonPositive’20 to collaborate on “net zero carbon” building codes, lower-carbon materials, and a faster rate of change throughout the industry. And there had been some movement, even in the previous six months.

Un gruppo incentrato sui materiali da costruzione chiamato Carbon Leadership Forum ha contribuito a lanciare a novembre un calcolatore online ad accesso aperto che ha consentito agli architetti di raccogliere dati sulle emissioni durante il processo di progettazione e fare scelte migliori.

L'AIA ha approvato una risoluzione fortemente formulata nella sua conferenza annuale che si impegna a mitigare gli impatti climatici in tutti i nuovi progetti. E un architetto con sede a Chicago, Tom Jacobs, aveva radunato colleghi in tutto il mondo per assumere un ruolo più attivista nelle loro comunità, inclusa la partecipazione a Global Climate Strikes guidati dai giovani.

Leggi di più


By the Numbers  

Cradle to Gate to Grave to Cradle?
A building generates environmental impacts throughout its life cycle. The various stages of a typical life cycle as defined in LCA are A1-A3: cradle to gate; A4-A5: transport and construction; B: use; C: end-of-life; and D) outside the system boundary (recycling, etc.).

Guida pratica LCA
This open source CLF publication introduces the concept of life cycle assessment to building professionals and explains how to determine the environmental impacts of a building step by step.

Download the Practice Guide.


Impatto sui membri  

Miya Kitahara
Program Manager, StopWaste

Wil Srubar
Director of Advanced Materials, Katerra; Co-chair CLF Network


Meghan Lewis
WeWork, Supply Chain Sustainability

Anthony Pak
Principal, Priopta & Founder CLF Vancouver

Find out what steps our members are taking to address embodied carbon
Per saperne di più
Join the Community!  

New Platform for Conversation, Collaboration, Action

In April the Carbon Leadership Forum announced a new online community where CLF Members are invited to share ideas, best practices, new tools, and initiatives to radically reduce the carbon footprint of buildings. Over 1200 participants from 24 different countries have signed up in just a few weeks, joining a variety of discussion and action groups focused on a variety of topics, including construction, LCA data and tools, materials, education, buildings, structure, policy, renewals, and reuse.

The Community is built on Discourse, an open-source platform that enables secure, moderated conversations with a host of features to encourage communication and resource-sharing. Users can post topics for discussion, upload documents, images, and videos, and send messages to individuals and groups. Preview the Community.

To join the Community, you must be a Member of the CLF and ask for an invitation to set up your user account and password. Once you've done so, you'll be able to join Focus Groups and Regional or Local Hubs, post and comment on topics, configure your notifications, and subscribe to a regular email digest of the topics posted by others. 

Unisciti alla comunità CLF

This month’s action checklist

The CLF is hiring a Managing Director and a Research Engineer! Please consider applying and also forward this invitation to your network.
Register to attend CLF Webinar on Embodied Carbon Policy — May 22 on Zoom.
Join the new online CLF Community for collaboration, conversation, and networking with thousands of inspired building industry professionals.

About the Carbon Leadership Forum at the University of Washington

Chi siamo

  • The Carbon Leadership Forum accelerates transformation of the building sector to radically reduce the embodied carbon in building materials and construction.
  • We pioneer research, create resources, foster cross-sector collaboration, and incubate member-led initiatives to bring embodied carbon emissions of buildings down to zero.
  • We are architects, engineers, contractors, material suppliers, building owners, and policymakers who care about the future and take bold steps to eliminate embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure.


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