Our mission is to eliminate embodied carbon in buildings, materials, and
infrastructure to create a just and thriving future.

Inform Policy icon selected Inform Policy icon
Improve tools and Data icon selected Improve tools and Data icon
Build Community icon selected Build Community icon
  • Informar una política eficaz y justa

    To advance government and corporate policy, tools and resources are required to provide the clarity needed for meaningful action. We develop model embodied carbon policy, act as a technical advisor to inform the development of effective and just policies, provide technical support to agencies implementing embodied carbon policy, and collaborate with NGOs to align and advance embodied carbon policies.

  • Improve Tools and Data

    Data is essential for driving effective public and private decarbonization policies and targets. We align, assess and advance embodied carbon data and methodology to increase access and availability of quality embodied carbon data for effective decision-making. We support the development of robust standards.

  • Build Community

    Action must span professions, sectors and geographies. We build, unify and convene a diverse community of leaders to enable widespread action to reduce embodied carbon. Our network of regional leaders is equipped with resources and educational opportunities that build capacity to advocate for and comply with embodied carbon policies.

  • La creciente importancia del carbono incorporado

    Between now and 2060 the world’s population will be doubling the amount of building floor-space, equivalent to building an entire New York City every month for 40 years. Much of the carbon footprint of these new buildings will take the form of embodied carbon — the emissions associated with building material manufacturing and construction.

    We invite you to join our coalition of architects, engineers, contractors, materials suppliers, building owners, policymakers, and associations committed to radically decarbonizing buildings and building materials.

  • Embodied carbon is an urgent problem

    In order to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, it is essential that we reduce embodied carbon now and develop a pathway to low-carbon construction on every building project. Transforming the building industry cannot wait.

    The Carbon Leadership Forum’s mission is to eliminate embodied carbon in buildings and infrastructure by inspiring innovation through collective action to create a just and thriving future. Learn more about embodied carbon and what we can do to reduce its use and impact.

  • Research is critical to decarbonization

    CLF engages in a variety of research programs and projects designed to improve data, methodologies, and tools to drive the reduction of embodied carbon. We regularly publish featured research in policy, data and tools, materials, life cycle assessment (LCA), and more. Learn about our approach to research and explore our projects here.

  • Easy access to industry-leading research

    By developing, crowdsourcing and disseminating this information, we aim to to accelerate learning and increase knowledge. Our resource library contains case studies, features, reports, toolkits, videos, and more. By empowering members with resources authored by CLF and our industry partners, we are advancing new ideas and approaches to transform the building industry.

  • Become A Member of Our Global Network

    CLF facilitates broad collaboration among diverse individuals and organizations to navigate complexity and support the transformation and decarbonization of the global building industry. We invite you to join our online community, a regional CLF hub, or our NGO/Government Roundtable. Learn more about our members and our sponsors here.

La creciente importancia del carbono incorporado

Entre ahora y 2060, la población mundial duplicará la cantidad de espacio de construcción, equivalente a construir una ciudad de Nueva York completa cada mes durante 40 años. Gran parte de la huella de carbono de estos nuevos edificios tomará la forma de carbono incorporado: las emisiones asociadas con la fabricación y construcción de materiales de construcción.

We invite you to join our coalition of architects, engineers, contractors, materials suppliers, building owners, policymakers, and associations committed to radically decarbonizing buildings and building materials.

Embodied carbon is an urgent problem

In order to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, it is essential that we reduce embodied carbon now and develop a pathway to low-carbon construction on every building project. Transforming the building industry cannot wait.

The Carbon Leadership Forum’s mission is to eliminate embodied carbon in buildings and infrastructure by inspiring innovation through collective action to create a just and thriving future. Learn more about embodied carbon and what we can do to reduce its use and impact.


Research is critical to decarbonization

CLF engages in a variety of research programs and projects designed to improve data, methodologies, and tools to drive the reduction of embodied carbon. We regularly publish featured research in policy, data and tools, materials, life cycle assessment (LCA), and more. Learn about our approach to research and explore our projects here.

Easy access to industry-leading research

By developing, crowdsourcing and disseminating this information, we aim to to accelerate learning and increase knowledge. Our resource library contains case studies, features, reports, toolkits, videos, and more. By empowering members with resources authored by CLF and our industry partners, we are advancing new ideas and approaches to transform the building industry.

Become A Member of Our Global Network

CLF facilitates broad collaboration among diverse individuals and organizations to navigate complexity and support the transformation and decarbonization of the global building industry. We invite you to join our online community, a regional CLF hub, or our NGO/Government Roundtable. Learn more about our members and our sponsors here.