by Meghan Lewis, Senior Researcher, Carbon Leadership Forum
April and May were big travel months for me, as I’m sure they were for many of you. The squeeze to fit in events before everyone disappears for the summer always makes spring bursting at the seams with conferences and other gatherings!
When I started at the CLF in 2020, Seattle was still deep in lockdown. It felt unbelievable that a job focused entirely on embodied carbon policy could fill 40 hours a week. It did, of course, but at the same time, our policy research and that of many of our early collaborators on EC policy—RMI, New Buildings Institute, the Blue Green Alliance, Breakthrough Energy, ACEEE—seemed like just a tiny voice at the back of the room, waiting for someone to notice that our hand was raised.
At the Getting to Zero Forum, the Holcim Foundation Impact Summit, and the Pacific Coast Collaborative Symposium this spring, I got to meet many of our collaborators in-person for the first time after years of Zoom calls. We could hug, look around the room, and celebrate with a sea of people committed to pursuing the same goal: to transform the building sector to radically reduce embodied carbon from buildings and infrastructure. In every direction, there was a CLF Hub policy lead, a new government leader driving change at the federal, state, or city level, or a recent connection at a new partner organization, all driving towards a better future.
Later this summer, I look forward to sharing a new report, Advancing the LCA Data Ecosystem for Policy. This work builds on stakeholder interviews, our collective response to the EPA’s RFI this May, and the input of many more across our network through virtual workshops in April. This work would not have been possible three years ago, and truly reflects the groundbreaking shift in what is now possible through the ever-growing network of new leaders on embodied carbon policy. We need you all! None of us can do this work alone. As Kate continues to yell through her megaphone: Better, Faster, Together! I hope you all have an excellent summer.
All the best,