Time to Register for the December 8 Quarterly Forum!
As of the first week of October, 50 MEP firms have signed the Commitment, along with 24 additional organizations signalling their support, including architectural, construction, and structural engineering firms, and NGOs such as the AIA, Architecture 2030, and the Passive House Network.
MEP 2040 signatories are publicly pledging their firms to decarbonize MEP systems, and commiting themselves and their firms to collective action, supported by transparent data, rigorous science, careful engineering, and thoughtful collaboration.
View recording of the September Quarterly Forum on the MEP 2040 website.
The 4th Quarterly Forum will be held on Thursday, December 8 at 8am PST. Please register in advance for this essential meeting.
For the fourth MEP2040 quarterly forum, we will be joined by policy-makers for a panel discussion on current and forthcoming initiatives related to holistic embodied carbon reductions, including the critical role of MEP systems. Our goal is to hear more about the work being done, what the obstacles and opportunities are, and how we can collaborate to support the development of integrated policy that helps us all achieve our decarbonization goals.