Building Beloved Community...
While Working to Decarbonize Buildings
by Mark Jones with Andrew Himes
The Nehemiah Initiative in Seattle, Washington, is a church-led, community-based partnership designed to preserve and revitalize the Central District through the development of the significant real estate assets of historically Black churches. The initiative seeks to develop affordable mixed-use projects to meet community needs and desires with the goal of retaining, bringing back, and attracting new residents and tenants.
“Decarbonizing buildings is integral to the Nehemiah Initiative’s vision of re-imagined, community-focused development,” said architect Donald King, an Afilliate Professor at the College of Built Environments, University of Washington. “Environmental degradation hits Black communities first, harder and for a longer time. Black communities have less economic and political power and lack the benefits of equity and social justice. Without societal protections, these communities are most likely to be harmed by the negative impacts of carbon on climate change, pollution of residential neighborhoods, workplaces and resulting higher costs for utilities and health care.”